The seventh targeted call for Emergency project proposal has been launched. A concrete reply of the Greece-Italy Cooperation Programme to the COVID-19 outbreak, that has affected Italy and Greece in a sudden and dramatic manner.
This call intends to support the Regions of the eligible area (Epirus Region, Ionian Islands Region, Western Greece Region and Puglia Region) in this period of great difficulty, in order to help the civil protection system and the citizen health with important equipment (i.e. face chirurgical mask, medical pump, lung ventilators,).
The total available budget for the 7th Emergency Call for project proposals is 3.400.000€.
The project proposal must be electronically submitted into the MIS, by the date of the Registration of the Call document(Reference Number-start date) and for 30 calendar days, until the 24:00 Italian time at the latest.
More information you can find in the following link : press here